Color to Greatness For Children: 30-Days Affirmations Coloring Book
30-pages of pure printable bliss for you and your child. Feel positive after each coloring session. Color 1 page per day & feel your mood transform over the course of 30 days.
This positive self-affirmations coloring book showcases Generation Zen' six core values:
1. Kindness
2. Compassion
3. Authenticity
4. Creativity
5. Calm
6. Growth
The book's goal is for your darling to develop a healthy inner dialogue guided by positive values.
What's special about the Color To Greatness coloring book is it is collaborative!
There are small notes for you to read out to your darling while coloring. We hope that both you and your child have fun together.
Feel free to print out a copy for yourself to color as well! Print on letter-sized paper.
For parents & children ages 3+
Color to Greatness Coloring Book